DASH diet (Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension) is a trending dietary pattern started by U.S. based National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute that has proven to be beneficial for lowering the blood pressure along with high cholesterol.

US News & World Reports state that DASH Diet plan is the “Best and Healthiest Diet Plan” as it was also ranked as the best diet to adapt by everyone to prevent diabetes, improve heart health, lower blood pressure and hypertension. Not only this, it’s also effective for lowering cholesterol, balancing weight and preventing future cancer risks.

What Exactly is DASH Diet?

DASH stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” and it’s simply a healthy eating plan to control hypertension by replacing saturated fatty foods, foods that increase cholesterol with fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food items. The DASH Diet usually includes green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, a limited amount of red meat, low-fat dairy products and so on.

Why DASH Diet?

DASH diet aims to lower hypertension and prevent the future risks of disease caused by high blood pressure. Unlike other diet plans, DASH has proven to cater multiple benefits including weight loss and diabetes control.

It has been ranked as the best diet for the 8th year in a row because of its highly effective results. It can also lower the risk of different types of cancer, heart failures, kidney diseases, heart disease and so on.

How Does The DASH Diet Plan Work For Hypertension?

DASH Diet developed by The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institue (NHLBI) approaches the eating plan measuring the amount of calorie intake depending upon your age, and the source of calorie, i.e. food.If you want to have a diet with 2,000 calories then your diet plant must include four to five servings of veggies and fruit, six to eight servings of grains, two to three servings of low-fat/fat-free dairy.

It also suggests limiting the intake of sugar and salt. This dietary plan has been proven to lower blood pressure within two weeks and it’s advised to follow by people with prehypertension that helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

One in three individual have the chances of developing high blood pressure, around the globe. The diet is high in fiber, rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and minerals and hence, in the long run, this diet is the ultimate cure for hypertension.

How Does DASH Diet Work For Weight Loss?

DASH Diet is originally developed to lower hypertension and other medical condition but researchers have shown that the diet also works for short and long-term weight loss. As the diet includes maximum servings of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, fish, whole grains, pulses in the right proportion which is the ultimate solution for weight loss.


Even the expert nutritionists and weight loss doctors believe that DASH diet is the most healthy diet for anyone who’s planning to lose weight and have a perfectly fit body. The plan is filling and satisfying and you can follow this diet throughout your life, aware your family and get everyone to adopt the eating plan. It has special benefits for those who are obese, has hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome or postmenopausal weight gain and high cholesterol. You can follow The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution for more detail information!

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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