“So, here is the shocking truth: In Nepal, a handicap often turns out to become a ticket for a short life of suffering in the streets.” Thanks to a few social heroes, this may no longer be the only outcome.

In 2011 it was reported that more than 30, 000 Nepali suffered from a mental disorder. A number obviously higher in reality…

This result, originating from an official report submitted by the Nepal Bureau of Statistics, cannot be trusted because most of the ones suffering from a handicap, secretly become victims who are not officially reported. The main reason being, cultural isolation of differences that stains the Nepali solidarity.

So, here is the shocking truth: In Nepal, a handicap often turns out to become a ticket for a short life of suffering in the streets.

Indeed, a lot of inhabitants see physical and mental differences as an economic burden not worth supporting, which results in the abandonment of men, women but also children… Most of which are regrouped in the Kathmandu district and the Indian border.

The term “mental disability” refers to both an intellectual disability and the consequences it has on a daily basis.” Mental disability is reflected by significant difficulties of “reflection, conceptualization, communication, decision-making…” These difficulties must be compensated by “permanent and progressive human support, adapted to the person’s state and situation.” So, It is up to collective solidarity to recognize and guarantee this compensation. But in Nepal, these people can only count on the support of a few brave volunteers…

Nepal Snehi Kaakha

Shreenaha Pokharel is one of this rare person to see handicap as a duty to adapt and help rather than to ignore. In her own words, taking care of people suffering is not a burden but a blessing.

In 2010, she saw a sick and hungry man on the side road. Her empathy forced her to offer him clean water. The next day it was food. The following days she started talking, treating and cleaning him.

He didn’t say anything, but I saw tears of joys in his eyes. It gave me goosebumps.” Helping those in need didn’t only felt satisfying, it felt right.

Since that day she has put all her time in an effort towards those in need.

She founded a center for the mentally ill people who are the most vulnerable in this violent abusing context crawling through the dark streets of our society. Her volunteers and herself provide them with a safe shelter, food, clothing, medicine, education… “to reenergize the human spirit

All these individuals now living in her safe nest, where all abandoned by their families. Some of the women were forced to eat their own hear and feces in order to fight starvation and stay alive one more day. Desperately grabbing a fin rope of hope, getting more and more fragile as the days pass. Consequently, most of the people rescued suffer from severe depression.

They are not only mentally ill but also physically sick. Drinking highly polluted water, toxic infected food left on the sidewalk, not having access to basic hygiene for years… The list of drastic conditions adds up into symptoms of their body slowly shutting down. It is even harder to stay healthy when the mind doesn’t even care anymore if the machine that carries it stops working.

One of the women arrived with an advanced form of cancer disfiguring her from the neck. She has now been treated but will never be able to use her voice in full capacity ever again.

They are also 7 children suffering from the same faith… Some of them, are children of the saved women, living in the care center to treat their depression. Most have been raped in the streets, and these children are at the time a sad result of these unspeakable acts and a heartwarming treatment for their souls.

Because safe-esteem is the most important part of the healing process. Helping them realize they are safe, independent and can be an active citizen once treated and educated.

And the results prove that her housewarming shelter is a New Start for these Women: 27 of them have been able to reunite with their families or re-enter society since the opening of Nepal Caring Lap.

But still, 12 men, 29 Women, and 7 children need generous support and presence in order to one day fly away with their own wings… And this is only in one Center! They are still thousands waiting for a generous hand to lead them out of their misery.

Readers, you too can join these helpers.

A lot of Nepali make the beautiful decision to celebrate their birthdays in these centers. They also bring food, clothing, and most importantly smiles!

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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