KATHMANDU — The Secretary General of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Amjad Hussian B. Sial, called on Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun on Tuesday and extended an invitation to him to attend Thirty-third SAARC Charter Day Celebration Ceremony to be held on 8 December. The Vice President had been pleased to accept the invitation.

According to a press release issued by the SAARC Secretariat, Vice President, during the meeting, appreciated the Secretary General for the energy and enthusiasm with which he was fulfilling his duties and expressed the hope that the SAARC process would gain momentum from his experience and able leadership.

The Secretary General thanked the Vice President for the support he had received from Nepal Government and the Vice President since assuming of charge in March this year. He also expressed the hope that he would continue to receive full support of Nepal Government in discharge of his duties. RSS

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