National development of any nation is impossible without research activities in the field of science and technology. Our neighboring countries have reached as the powerful nations with the help of science and technology through research activities in higher education institutions whereas our country Nepal is far behind.

We have Kathmandu University, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara University, Purbanchal University, Far-western University, Lumbini Bouddha University, Mid-western University, Agriculture, and Forestry University, Nepal Sanskrit University and Nepal Open University for higher education. These institutions offer at least four years Bachelor degrees, Master, and Doctoral degrees. Among them, Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University have more interest in the research-oriented education system in the field of science and technology.

Tribhuvan University is the Government University and ranks number 11 in the World according to the enrollment of students. But there is no good quality education because there are more teaching activities rather than research oriented activities practically whereas Kathmandu University has less number of students but there is a better quality of education in comparison with Tribhuvan University. The fee structure of Kathmandu University is more than Tribhuvan University. Most of the students of Nepal are economically and socially backward. The majority of them are not able to afford the higher education in private institutions and aboard.

Recently, Tribhuvan University launched the semester system which improves the education system slowly but in order to enhance the national development one needs to have the research-oriented education system. In terms of research, I can say in Nepal, Tribhuvan University is behind Kathmandu University even though the former has more branches in comparison with Kathmandu University. But both of them do not have the standard research laboratory.

As far as I know, the government of Nepal established the research center in July 1973 in Tribhuvan University, devoted entirely to the research and development activities in the area of science and technology, named as Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST). But it fails to give productive results because of lacking the research funds, sophisticated instruments as well as skillful manpower. Nowadays, RECAST is politically influenced having very less research work.

It is a pity that after a decade from 1982, the government of Nepal established the academy for the promotion of science and technology as Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (RONAST), which later was renamed as the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). This organization has own research laboratory but does not have regular electricity supply, and as such, it is not in full operation. This research laboratory has fewer funds of research activities and does not have the full range of sophisticated equipment. Nowadays, I can say NAST has given priority for the promotion of science rather than research works.  

Every problem has a solution!

This is the demand of time to upgrade the research laboratory of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology. The investment of funds for such noble work is the golden opportunity for the politically stable government of Nepal.

It is very urgent for purchasing the sophisticated instruments as well as hiring the qualified manpower with the increasing operation time of the research laboratory. It is also necessary to welcome experts in each field of science and technology by providing handsome facilities.

The research laboratory should be free from political influences. The name of the research laboratory should be the Central Research Laboratory in which faculty of all streams of technology and science carries out their research works. It must be fully equipped with sophisticated instruments, easily accessible to all the researchers.

The main objective of Central Research Laboratory must be the promotion of the high quality of research in science and technology disciplines by providing facilities and technical expertise in support of basic and applied research activities.

Nepal has huge biodiversity and we have the huge amount of natural and medicinal plant, which can be utilized and promoted if we do the several tests in such Central Research Laboratory. The output from the research gives scientific thinking and experimental exposure for the faculty and students as well.

I hope the government will establish such laboratory having High-Performance Computing Facility, Instrumentation Facilities, Heavy equipment Facility, Water Quality analysis and monitoring system, Chemical analysis, Industrial Bio-Technology, Advanced Materials and Processing, medical Bio-Technology, Bi-product and Process Development with Material Research.

Dr. Ajaya Bhattarai

Department of Chemistry, MMAM Campus, T.U.

Biratnagar, Nepal

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