7 Reasons To Stay Single And Be Happy!

Love itself is a beautiful feeling and falling in love with someone, having a person who’ll stand by you through thick and thin is the best thing that can happen to anyone. But, the idea of love with the WRONG PERSON at the WRONG TIME definitely ruins the actual purpose of it.

Many of us grow up thinking we have to find the other half who will complete us and make us happy. The fear of being alone compels us to stay in relationships with the person you don’t love and that no longer make you and your partner happy. Do you too have this fear that you’ll end up alone in your life? Do you always wind up heartbroken after jumping from one relationship to the next?

If you do, then it’s time to STOP! Although everyone around you is settling down and the pressure is killing you inside, it’s time to hold the brakes and enjoy a whole new world around you, it’s time to stay single and exploit your freedom! How you might ask, well, Kathmandu Tribune has enlisted 7 awesome reasons to Go-solo this year and stick to it! Stay put!

1.Focus on Yourself

When you choose to be single, you choose to be in the relationship with yourself, you’re committed to yourself and this gives you time to give 100% focus on YOU. You don’t have to make anyone else a priority, instead, you can plan, plot, take a risk and do everything on your own and build an empire out of it!

2. Less Drama/Stress

The major problem of this generation relationship is “the fear of being alone.” As long as you have this fear, whether you are single or in a relationship, you will always be stressed out! And stressed relationships are probably the worst relationships.

People rush into a relationship thinking it will solve their problems and make a happily ever after but in reality, being happy alone is the ultimate goal. If you can make yourself happy, nobody will have the power to take away that happiness, hence less stress and more fun in your life!

3. Having A Bed All To Yourself

We need sex but sleep is more important. When you have to share your bed with your partner who snores or who takes away all your blanket then the inner you will definitely regret not being single!

4. Time For Your Career

What if we tell you that instead of a person, the job you have always dreamt of can make you happy? Yes, you read that right! Your career can be the love of your life and you can give all the time to it which will definitely enable you to achieve more in every step.

5. Discovering Yourself

How many of you truly know who you are or what are your passions? The biggest mistake anyone can ever do in his/her life is not discovering oneself and following your passion. Very few couples understand the passion of one’s partner and they help each other follow it but in most cases, we just waste time doing things to make your husband/wife happy. Therefore, discovering your thrive is another major reason to stay single.

6. Freedom To Experiment

Staying single will give you the chance to devour all the fantasies of casual sex, hookups and one night stands. At the end of the day, you can enjoy your freedom without any commitments to hold you down. Experimenting is quite important to find out what you really want and what you can handle from where you are right now. One night stands or committed relationship? It’s your call!

7. Eat all By yourself

This one is for all the foodies who love eating and don’t like sharing food. When you are in a relationship, it forces us to share food and try food that we don’t even like! So why torture your belly and your taste buds? Be single, enjoy your plate full of different delicacies.

Well, going single is perhaps a not bad idea! What say, folks? Are you ready to say NO?

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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