In an era of globalization and interconnected cultures, the culinary world often serves as a bridge between nations, bringing people together through their shared love for food. However, beneath the surface of seemingly innocent food-related labels lies a deeper issue that has plagued the relationship between two neighboring countries: India and Nepal. The term “momo,” commonly used to describe a popular Himalayan dumpling dish, has taken on a more insidious connotation as a racist slur aimed at belittling and demeaning Nepalis.

Cultural Appropriation and Stereotyping

The culinary world is known for its ability to transcend borders and bring diverse cultures together. Yet, when culinary labels are used to stereotype and demean, they serve as a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play in the realm of identity. The term “momo,” which was originally used to describe a beloved Nepali dish, has been weaponized by some Indians to stereotype Nepalis as unsophisticated and backward. This kind of cultural appropriation strips away the rich history and significance of the dish and reduces it to a derogatory term.

Historical and Geopolitical Tensions

The roots of this issue can be traced back to historical and geopolitical tensions between India and Nepal. The two countries share a complex history of interactions, from cultural exchange to diplomatic negotiations. However, instances of misunderstanding and insensitivity have also emerged. The use of “momo” as a derogatory term highlights the need for open dialogue and mutual respect between neighboring nations.

Impact on Nepali Identity

The use of “momo” as a racist slur has far-reaching consequences for Nepalis both within their own country and abroad. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes and undermines the efforts of Nepalis to assert their identity on the global stage. The term reinforces the notion that cultural and ethnic differences can be used to belittle and marginalize others. This not only damages individual self-esteem but also erodes the fabric of diverse societies.

The Way Forward: Education and Empathy

Addressing the issue of using “momo” as a racist slur requires a multi-pronged approach. Education plays a crucial role in dispelling stereotypes and promoting understanding. Schools and communities in both Nepal and India should foster an environment that encourages learning about each other’s cultures, history, and sensitivities.

Additionally, fostering empathy is essential to building better cross-border relationships. Recognizing the impact of hurtful slurs and derogatory language is a step toward dismantling the walls of misunderstanding. Initiatives that promote cultural exchange, dialogue, and collaboration can go a long way in fostering mutual respect and appreciation.


The use of “momo” as a racist slur underscores the importance of vigilant efforts to combat cultural appropriation, stereotyping, and racism in all forms. The world is increasingly interconnected, and our relationships should be built on a foundation of understanding, empathy, and respect. It is time to reclaim the term “momo” from its derogatory use and celebrate it for what it truly is: a symbol of culinary diversity and the richness of Himalayan culture. As we strive for a more inclusive and harmonious world, let us reject labels that perpetuate divisiveness and embrace those that unite us in our shared humanity.

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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