
Getting braces can be an exciting step towards achieving a beautiful, healthy smile. However, it also introduces certain dietary considerations. While wearing braces, it’s important to be mindful of the types of foods you consume to prevent damage or discomfort. In this article, we will explore what you can and cannot eat with braces, providing you with helpful tips to navigate your culinary choices during orthodontic treatment.

Foods to Enjoy

  1. Soft Foods: Opt for softer options that are gentle on your braces and teeth. These include mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, soups, cooked vegetables, and tender meats. These foods provide valuable nutrients while reducing the risk of damaging brackets or wires.
  2. Cooked Grains: Enjoy cooked grains like rice, pasta, and couscous, which offer a satisfying texture without the risk of getting stuck in your braces. Be mindful of sauces and seasonings that may contain hard or crunchy ingredients.
  3. Soft Fruits and Vegetables: Select soft and ripe fruits like bananas, berries, and melons. For vegetables, choose cooked or steamed options such as spinach, carrots, and zucchini. You can also enjoy apples and pears by slicing them into small, manageable pieces.
  4. Dairy Products: Incorporate dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt into your diet. These provide essential calcium for strong teeth and bones while offering a variety of options to satisfy your taste buds.

Foods to Avoid

  1. Sticky and Chewy Foods: Stay away from sticky candies, caramel, taffy, gum, and gummy bears. These can easily get stuck in your braces, leading to discomfort and potential damage.
  2. Hard and Crunchy Foods: Avoid hard and crunchy foods that can exert pressure on your braces and increase the risk of broken brackets or wires. This includes popcorn, nuts, hard candies, ice cubes, and raw vegetables like carrots and celery.
  3. Tough Meats: Cut tougher meats into smaller, bite-sized pieces to minimize strain on your braces. Avoid chewy or tough cuts of meat that require excessive force to bite and chew.
  4. Sticky or Crunchy Snacks: Skip snacks like chips, pretzels, and granola bars, as they can be problematic for braces. Look for softer alternatives or modify the texture by breaking them into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Tips for Eating with Braces

  1. Cut Food into Smaller Pieces: Before eating, cut food into bite-sized portions to make it easier to chew and reduce strain on your braces.
  2. Chew Carefully: Take smaller bites and chew slowly and thoroughly to minimize the risk of food getting caught in your braces.
  3. Use Utensils: When possible, use utensils to eat, especially for foods that might be challenging to bite into, like sandwiches or burgers.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to rinse away food particles and keep your mouth clean. This helps prevent plaque buildup and reduces the risk of tooth decay during your orthodontic treatment.


While wearing braces, it’s crucial to be mindful of the foods you consume to ensure a successful orthodontic journey. Focus on soft, easy-to-chew options and avoid sticky, hard, or crunchy foods that can damage your braces or cause discomfort. By making smart choices and adopting good eating habits, you can protect your braces and maintain excellent oral health throughout your treatment. Remember, following your orthodontist’s guidelines and seeking their advice when needed is key to achieving a beautiful smile and a positive orthodontic experience.

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