The use of technology is largely a blessing in this day and age. And for those that capitalize on its advantages, the rewards are quite promising. For example, those that run a business by incorporating the various facets of tech, conduct their business in a more seamless manner. 

The possibilities are endless with tech, and the success reported by business owners who make good use of it— makes this statement even more accurate.

Overall, an advantage that technology offers businesses is the increase in productivity. For one, technology has allowed employees to collaborate effectively, even across great distances. In turn, this has led to the automation of many mundane business tasks, alongside coming up with relevant solutions to business problems.

Understand the Essence of Tech

Simply put, technology provides the skills, techniques, and tools to make our lives better. In so doing, pain is eliminated or pleasure is created—which is the foundation upon which most businesses are created. 

To exemplify, tech has indeed expanded the possibilities for The Sculpted Vegan. The business was established in 2017 by Kim Constable, and was able to generate over a million dollars in its first year of existence. This was done by proactively making use of webinars and selling digital products.

As a homeschooling mom of four, Kim Constable became a bikini competition athlete at age 37, and went on to create The Sculpted Vegan from scratch— with zero following or connections. Today, her vegan bodybuilding and fitness empire has generated millions of dollars in revenue, while also changing thousands of lives. 

Seek Solutions to Problems

Photo credit. Kim Constable, with permission

The endless opportunities provided by technology are mostly used to solve issues that a business or consumer is having— which involves streamlining processes, improving efficiency and productivity, enhancing the customer experience— ultimately generating and increasing revenue.

Kim recognizes the essence of tech, and due to this recognition, she was able to spot a problem and create a solution to it. “I began studying internet marketing in 2011. I started a company called the work-at-home moms’ network, which was supposed to teach mums how to start profitable businesses from home, but there was no market for that so it failed. In the process of it failing, I learned a lot about internet marketing.“

Create a Product Out of a Solution

Photo credit. Kim Constable, with permission

Chief Technology Officer of The Sculpted Vegan— Ross Hamilton, agrees that the core of tech is in creating long-lasting and sustainable solutions to problems. Ross has been a full-stack developer for the past 12 years, with a strong focus on customer-centric B2B and scalable mobile app solutions, which he does by utilizing web technologies like Ionic and AngularJS. 

Ross explains that The Sculpted Vegan is launching the only vegan fitness app on the market, which is set to launch by November on both iOS and Android. This app will be free, and there’s also a subscription option for full access to programs. The app can track your macros and workouts, create recipes, get notifications/reminders, upload your progress pictures, earn badges, create/comment/like/share posts (just like Facebook) and you can also buy any of the Sculpted Vegan programs directly within the app set to launch in November.

It’s a great thing to be able to spot a problem and provide a solution to it. And that’s one thing Kim Constable capitalized on. “ I always prioritize listening to my members’ needs and feedback. And one thing they don’t like is clicking on YouTube links or downloading a bunch of PDFs to read. Even storing my program documents on their device was quite cumbersome for many. This app would convert the programs into audio files so that the members can listen to them instead of reading. We will also use the app for discussions in the private forum. This app can now house everything they will ever need,” she says.

The thing about creating solutions to problems is that, in the long run, asides from improving customers’ satisfaction and experience, you get to generate revenue out of that thoughtful act. Fact is, we all should be solution-oriented.

Rinse and Repeat

With all the above in mind, whenever you discover a problem in a particular niche of your business, or say, a space that is yet to be filled, which would be of immense value to your audience, make sure you provide a sustainable solution.

Use the opportunities provided by tech to create these solutions, and propel your business while doing so.

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