KATHMANDU — After a Nepal Reddit user posted a note stating Germany Embassy in Nepal is charging excessive fees for its translation and verification service, Kathmandu Tribune reached out to the embassy for clarification.

An official from the embassy stated that there have been recent changes in the fees. However, the official affirmed that the fee is in align with the German Ordinance on Consular Fees (Auslandskostenverordnung).

Talking to Kathmandu Tribune, the official added, “They are the same for all the German consular posts abroad. The factors determining the fee are twofold, namely the length of the text and the language of the original text: A translation from English (grade of difficulty A) into German will be cheaper than a translation from Nepalese (grade of difficulty C) into German”.

The official further said: “a translation from English into German will be charged with 1,80 Euro per line. A translation from Nepalese into German will be charged with 3.- Euro per line. The verification of a translation from English into German will be 0,90 Euro per line, from Nepalese to German 1,50 Euro per line.”

The official stated: “Germany Embassy has been charging minimum 550 euros for verification of ‘authenticity’ (not translation) of an official document such as a citizenship, marriage or birth certificate. This is requested sometimes if the documents are used in Germany, for example on the occasion of an application for a residence permit, when the document in question is used as the basis for a claim for a national German residence permit”.

With the rise of the immigration debate in Germany, it is assumed that Germany might have made stringent policies on visa issuance, especially for those coming from a developing nation.

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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