mother instinct seeks guaranteed future

male frog croaking
in the rice field
to lure some female counterpart
having conjugal evening
and one long night stand
but female frog awaits
for heavy monsoon
before having sex
to not feel later any regrets
thus she seeks a guarantee
of heavy rain pour down
her fertilized eggs need to be float
in the rice field all around
her tadpoles  need sufficient water
they will swim and soon metamorphosis
and can feed on insects there later
her mother  instinct speaks
better than her counterpart
the purpose of sex
to reproduce well and live better
to spread her progeny
in a guaranteed future…
male frog still croaking
in such high volume
and sweet melody
cloudy night breaking
now female frog lured almost
they jumped up and come closer
I can hear the splash…
the cum of the male frog…
his rides on her back
their conjugal life so real
male  frog  further illusions
and complicates her instinct
for who can take guarantee
of an uncertain future
with his  very masculine
and abrupt nature.


Love Scar

love scar on tree bark
widening with time
ever it reaches heartwood?

zigzag road ahead 
zigzag road ahead
paint of karma at my hands-
palm lines — a network of  illusion

to lit the fire

to enlighten life
by burning  self
but where is the fuel
to lit the fire?
from the very pain,
from within

~Bidur Pro-Pain Chaulagain

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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