Dr. Bidur P. Chaulagain,  Kathmandu
I keep moon inside my bowl
I put water
full to rim 
in a bowl
then illusioned moon
came into 
inside my bowl
and then I covered 
the bowl with a lid
to not the fickle moon 
run away
putting the bowl with moon
in my bedside
in my room
I can stay 
with her together
but for how long?
until —
the water in the bowl 
taming her
not  being bored 
for itself  
then after
leaving the moon alone
inside the skull
the thinking of mind
escapes out !
Spreading illusion-step by step
one mistake I did 
throwing a stone
in the calm pond
inside your heart
another mistake 
you did 
by absorbing
the misdeed
letting the stone 
go inside
to create ripples
around your life
in this way… 
love flourishes
in this tiny world
step by step
from person to person
unifying us.
an imagery call
while reading you,
I see you  as like
you are a fragile night jasmine 
and its inherent fragrance descended 
right from the heaven
but this joy too
in no time
in pain
to think often
to look at moon
how do you landed and stayed
for so long in this earth 
with an imagery call
by a human 
just with
a poem
mine ?
poetry on you: a screenshot
on you
for other to read 
an imagery,
for you
an encroachment 
by me,
for me
a screenshot
of you
for other 
by retina
for you
on  my eyes
for me
inside out
of my 

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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