The debate over reviving the constituency-centric program of federal parliamentarians, known as the ‘Members of Parliament Development Fund,’ has intensified as MPs from the ruling party exert pressure to reinstate the program. The fund, which was canceled two years ago, has faced criticism for being against the spirit of federalism and being susceptible to budget misuse. Proponents argue that it is necessary to ensure regional development, while opponents raise concerns about mismanagement and the improper allocation of resources. This editorial delves into the arguments and implications surrounding the lobbying efforts to revive the program.

Questionable History: The ‘Members of Parliament Development Fund’ was discontinued after the Office of the Auditor General flagged misuse of the allocated budget, leading to public protests against indiscriminate expenditure from the national treasury. Under this program, funds were assigned to specific projects in each constituency, resulting in concerns about misappropriation and lack of accountability. Economists and the general public criticized the program for diverting resources from more pressing national issues and impeding the effective functioning of local governments.

Misaligned Priorities: At a time when revenue collection is declining and employees are facing salary delays, reviving the MP Development Fund seems ill-advised. Critics argue that it disregards the pressing concerns of the country, the economy, and the people. They emphasize that smaller-scale initiatives should fall within the purview of local governments, rather than being politicized and prone to resource mismanagement. The misuse of funds in the past highlights the need for responsible allocation and utilization of resources.

Challenges and Technical Errors: The previous implementation of the fund witnessed incomplete projects, lack of proper estimates, and a dearth of major works. Critics highlight how funds were disbursed for purposes such as constructing monasteries, community buildings, and roads, resulting in fragmented initiatives and limited progress. Furthermore, technical errors in the planning and execution of projects further hindered development efforts. The revival of the program without addressing these challenges risks perpetuating past mistakes.

Contradicting Parliamentary Principles: The very notion of MPs personally handling funds for development projects contradicts the principles and beliefs of parliamentary democracy. In established democracies like Britain and America, parliamentarians focus on legislation and oversight rather than direct control over development projects. To ensure effective governance, funds should be allocated and managed through appropriate government channels, fostering transparency and accountability.

Public Sentiment and Alternative Approaches: There is widespread criticism and controversy surrounding the revival of the MP Development Fund. Critics argue that the fund contradicts the mission of promoting politics based on ethical and principled conduct. Instead, politicians should focus on policy-making and ensuring the equitable distribution of resources through alternative mechanisms. Some propose empowering local governments, village presidents, district coordination committees, municipalities, and metropolitan cities to manage budgets effectively.

The Way Forward: Considering the shortcomings and criticisms associated with the previous iteration of the MP Development Fund, it is irresponsible to pressurize for its revival without adequate reforms and safeguards. A comprehensive discussion involving all stakeholders is essential to chart a new path forward. Balancing the needs of constituencies and ensuring the proper utilization of resources should be the focal point, guided by principles of transparency, accountability, and regional development.

Conclusion: The lobbying efforts to revive the ‘Members of Parliament Development Fund’ have sparked a heated debate surrounding its feasibility and implications. While some argue that it is essential for regional development, critics raise concerns about potential mismanagement and resource misuse. Considering the history of the program and its inconsistent track record, it is crucial to explore alternative approaches that align with the principles of federalism, transparency, and effective governance. The decision should prioritize the welfare of the country, its economy, and the people rather than personal or political interests.

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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