Why does Twitter verification matter?

Twitter verification matters because it helps people know the account they are following is authentic. By verifying a tweet, the account owner allows accounts from people who don’t have a blue checkmark next to their name to know that what they are reading is coming from an authentic source. Twitter provides a blue checkmark next to a user’s name if the social media site has determined they meet its criteria,

The process of verification

Verification is the process of checking and investigating the veracity of information or facts. Verification is a logical and systematic approach to finding and evaluating information. When verification finds that something is true, it is said to have been verified. As it is not always feasible to verify information from its original source, different means are used. One way is to compare the information with similar sources (see

How to get verified on Twitter

If you want to get a verified status on Twitter, then you will need to be of some importance within your niche. It is not a given that you will get verified just by being popular. Verification on Twitter is reserved for accounts that are of high status within their niche. You will also need to have an established account with thousands of followers and hours of content posted. This is not

How long does it take to get verified on Twitter?

It might take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Verification is a way for Twitter to make sure you are who you say you are. It can also be helpful in the event that someone has hacked your account and is spreading malicious information or spam. Verified accounts will have a blue checkmark or an “Authentic” label next to them. Keep in mind

What is the purpose of Twitter verification?

The purpose of Twitter verification is to award an icon that is a visual confirmation of a user’s identity and reputation. Without the verification, other may not know if they are dealing with the real person or someone who has stolen their username. There are a few ways that Twitter verifies its accounts, including requesting and answering certain questions, confirming important information about themselves on their official blog, and

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Kathmandu Tribune Staff

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